Date: 2023-03-18

MIT 6.S191: Introduction to Deep Learning

Table of Contents

This is a series of Notes from MIT 6.S191 2022 lectures by:

The list of lectures and their corresponing notes are:

Lecture 1: Introduction to Deep Learning: In which we explore what Deep Learning is, why it is popular. How are Deep NNs are trained, and some cautions on overfitting.

1. What is Deep Learning

@ 00:06:36


Figure 1: AI - ML - DL

  • Artificial Intelligence: Any technique that enables computers to mimic human behaviour
  • Machine Learning: Ability to learn without explicitly being programmed
  • Deep Learning: Extract patters from data using neural networks

2. Why is it popular now?

@ 00:12:15

  • Big Data
  • Faster Hardware
  • Software
    • Improved techniques
    • New Models
    • Toolboxes (TensorFlow, PyTorch)

3. Training Deep Neural Networks

3.1. Optimization Algorithms:

  1. SGD
  2. Adam
  3. Adadelta
  4. Adagrad
  5. RMSProp

3.2. Learning Rate

@ 00:39:35

  • Low learning rate: Slow convergence, and may get stuck at local minima
  • Large learning rate: May diverge

How to find Learning Rate?

  1. Try different learning rates and check which works better
  2. Adaptive Learning Rate

3.3. Mini Batches

  • Actual Loss is summation over all dataset. This is expensive to compute.
  • And, Using only one example will be noisy
  • So, compute loss from a subset of the dataset with say \(B\) samples. This is called mini-batching.

This allows:

  • Smoother convergence
  • Larger learning rate
  • Parallization of computing gradient

3.4. Overfitting

@ 00:44:57 Overfitting results good performance in Training data but the model doesn't generalize well and performs poorly in test dataset. Or, when there is distributional shift in data.


Figure 2: Overfitting

3.4.1. Regularization

Regularization is a technique that constrains our optimization problem to discourage complex models. This improves generalization of model on unseen data

Techniques for Regulaization

  1. Dropout: randomly set neurons on hidden layers to 0
  2. Early Stopping: Stop training before we have a chance to overfit


Figure 3: Early Stopping (Regularization)

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