Date: [2022-12-03 Sat]


Table of Contents

1. Fix for MacOS

1.1. For org mode

If the recoll version has missing helper for org mode, then org files are not indexed.

Add this file https://framagit.org/medoc92/recoll/-/raw/master/src/filters/rclorgmode.py [See https://framagit.org/medoc92/recoll/-/issues/38]

to /Applications/recoll.app/Contents/Resources/filters

1.2. For pdftotext

  • Install poppler from homebrew
  • Then tell recoll where to find the binary by:

    Adding the following line to ~/.recoll/recoll.conf

recollhelperpath = /opt/homebrew/bin:/usr/local/bin

(As per https://www.lesbonscomptes.com/recoll/pages/recoll-macos.html)

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