Date: [2020-10-08 Thu]

Quality Control

Table of Contents

Civil Engineering Technical Workshop - Quality Assurance and Quality Control of RCC Structure

1. IQ, EQ, MQ, SQ

  • Intelligence
  • Emotional
  • Moral
  • Spiritual Quotient

2. Examples


Irrigation Strucutre, Banke (BS 2030) made using brick masonry is just fine but the RCC Irrigation Structure, Kailali (BS 2070) has failed due to lack of QA and Quality Control.

[v:14:00] Learing by doing <= previously Doing by learning <= nowadays

Knowledge => Skill => Attitude (Willingness & Sharing)

3. 3C Relation

Client -> Consultant -> Contractor Clients feel superior but Consultant are giving service Contractor sometimes get in difficulty due to design where consultant has to help If the project fails Client are in most loss. So everyone should feel at same level.


Figure 1: 3C Relation

4. Quality Assurance Plan


  • Quality Assurance (QA)
    • process oriented; focuses on defect prevention
    • Management Tool
  • Quality Control (QC)
    • product oriented; focuses on defect identification
    • Controlling tool



4.1. Hierarchy of Failures

Supervision -> Detailings -> Design

4.2. Average vs Multiplicative

If every step is 95% then average is 95% but quality is multiplication and in 7 steps it results to 70% quality.

5. Document special event

Document special event like

  • the soil characteristics is different than expected
  • contractor had to do extra work due to unforseen circumstance
  • floods, …

6. Saftey Measures

Simple measures save from big troubles.

6.1. Boards, Ribbons

e.g. A simple `caution danger' ribbon saved the contractor from having to pay compensation when an woman jumped and died in the pit.


6.2. Check Cement quality

6.2.1. Manufacture date

  • manufacture date must be printed on the cement bag


6.2.2. Lab test


6.2.3. Thumb rules

when lab test can't be done in rural plaes

  • OPC - NS 572:2076 (43 & 53 Grade)
  • PPC - NS 385:2054 (33 Grade)


Figure 6: Thumb rules when in remote places

7. Crushing & Screening Plant (BBDMP)




Figure 7: better aggregate had high impact on strength of concrete

8. Rebar Chararcteristics


TMT fail bhairanxa

9. Formworks

[v:1:17:00] IS 14687:1999


Figure 10: Upper - Failed; Lower - Good


Figure 11: Rusted rebars must be cleaned


Figure 12: Cover block or stones


Figure 13: Beam size must be less than column size

10. Real data (USEFUL) 7 days to 28 days strength ratio

For Concrete test [v:1:33:31]

20201008101931-concrete_strength_ratio.png for higher grade concrete requirement of M50 in 28 days requires 80% of 50 = 40 MPa strength at 7 days. not 3/4 of 50 = 37.5 MPa


11. Curing

20201008183254-importance_of_curing.png Curing is extremely important Water during first 1,2,3 days is like अमृत and during first 7 days is like milk and upto 12-15 days is like water then after that its like air (no use)

12. Single cube failure is not failure


Figure 15: IS 456

13. Aggregate Crusher

  • jaw crusher
  • cone crusher
  • impact crusher

use garera flakiness index control garera concrete ko strength high garna sakinxa.


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