Date: [2020-08-29 Sat] 2020-08-29 Saturday


Table of Contents

1. Steps towards loadshedding management

1.1. Supply management

  • Available power manage garne
  • every power house lai full capacity ma run garne
  • IPP (Independent Power Producers) => Private producers
  • IPP lai national grid ma connect

1.2. Demand

Peak load was 1600 MW during Kulman's time. But 300MW was supply.

  • psychological effect: claimed there was no loadshedding, without removing loadshedding. => Peak load reduced by 100MW. (Because, people didn't wanted to charge their devices, … just when supply was on; this also reduced losses during peak use period) :)
  • awareness campaign => reduced by ~250-300MW
  • industry ko supply peak load ma cut gardine. <= Didn't fall for bribe from industry owners.

Peak load reduced to 900MW.

  • IPP bata add garera total supply 570MW purayo
  • additional power from India.

1.3. Operation and Maintenance

Khulekhani is the only reservior Hydropower project; other are Run-off-river

1.4. Reducing Technical Loss

  • Transmission loss
  • Transformer loss


Figure 1: Transmission line loss

  • In foreign countries minimum may be around 3%

1.5. Reducing Non-Technical Loss

This contributed much more than technical.

  • Hooking


Figure 2: system loss

  • 2016 ma Kulman joined when there was 25% loss
  • by 2019 he reduced to 15%

Worldwide 7-8% (say 10%) is the norm; even in developed countries. Because transmission,… loss can't be reduced.

2. Capacity

  • Theoritical max power 83,000MW
  • But Economically feasible capacity is 43,000MW (because it may require shifting settlement areas, …)

Total installed Powerstation capacity

  • 581 MW NEA
  • 696 MW IPP


Figure 3: Capacity

3. Supply

  • NEA produced 3021 GWh in FY 2019/20 (increase by 18.57%)
  • IPP 2991 GWh (increase by 36.57%)
  • Import from India 1,729 GWh (decrease by 38.55%)

Total available increased by ~2.5%

4. Revenue


Figure 4: Supply vs Revenue

Energy banking system

  • Electrical engery can't be stored
  • So, when we have excess we sell to India
  • and in winter when we need, buy (at same rate) from India


Figure 5: Energy Export

5. Electrification Status



Figure 6: Electrification Status


Figure 7: electrification province wise

  • 11 Municiplaties are not electrified!!
  • Total Distribution Loss 10.28%


Figure 8: Per capita consumption

  • per capita consumption 218 kWh
  • Peak load manage garna lai diesel station pani establish gareko xa.


Figure 9: Revenue

  • Notice the rate of rise from 2016


Figure 10: Profit loss

  • NEA was losing too much money but Kulman changed everything. Not its in Profit.
  • This shows the power of Good Management

6. Tarrif Rates


Figure 11: Tarrif Rate 2019/2020


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