Date: [2020-08-07 Fri]

History of Philosophy

Table of Contents

Notes in preperation for the presentation: Beginnings of Philosophy

1. History

Pre socratic strictly delts with metaphysics (study of wat everything around is made of and how did it get there)

Scorates delt with epistemology (how do we know what we know)

  • Pre Socratic
  • Socrates, Plato, Aristotle
  • Later
  1. Thales was the first philosopher.
  2. Discovered the Thale's theorem. (right angle opposite to diameter is a right angle)
  3. Genius businessmann How pleased the havest god was and how much harverst
  4. but thales didn't buy that, but noticed that it correlated with how much it rained
  5. so once when it had rained a lot. he bought all the olives presses and had a monolopy. He got rich.
  6. But he said he only did it because he had to prove to someone that how easy it was to earn money.

Believed that everything is made up of water.

  1. Heraclitus

He was most famous for his insistence on ever-present change, or flux or becoming, as the characteristic feature of the world, as stated in the famous saying, "No man ever steps in the same river twice" as well as "Panta rhei", everything flows.

Hot and cold are same things, only by being hot do we get an idea of cold.

Like the Milesians before him, Thales with water, Anaximander with apeiron, and Anaximenes with air, Heraclitus considered fire as the arche, the most fundamental element, which gave rise to the other elements, perhaps because living people are warm

Thales understood similar triangles and right triangles, and what is more, used that knowledge in practical ways. The story is told in Diogenes Laërtius (loc. cit.) that he measured the height of the pyramids by their shadows at the moment when his own shadow was equal to his height.


2. What is philosophy?

Philosophy (from Greek: φιλοσοφία, philosophia, 'love of wisdom')[1][2][3] is the study of general and fundamental questions about existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language.[4][5]

Classic philosophical questions include: "Is it possible to know anything?", and if so, "Can we prove it?"[10][11][12] Philosophers also pose more practical and concrete questions such as: "Is there a best way to live?", "Is it better to be just, even if one could get away with being unjust?",[13] 'do humans have free will?'[14]

Major subfields of academic philosophy include metaphysics, which is concerned with the fundamental nature of existence and reality; epistemology, which studies the nature of knowledge and belief; ethics, which is concerned with moral value; and logic, which studies the rules of inference that allow one to deduce conclusions from true premises.[25][26] Other notable subfields include philosophy of science, political philosophy, aesthetics, philosophy of language, and philosophy of mind.

In 399 BC, Socrates went on trial[86] and was subsequently found guilty of both corrupting the minds of the youth of Athens and of impiety (asebeia,[87] "not believing in the gods of the state"),[88] and as a punishment sentenced to death, caused by the drinking of a mixture containing poison hemlock

s "I know that I know nothing."

Socrates used a critical approach called the "elenchus" or Socratic method to examine people's views. He aimed to study human things: the good life, justice, beauty, and virtue.

Philosopy Love of Wisdom

Academic study of anything

Plato's Academy Aristotle's Liceium

Later, questions that have empirical answers/elements, came to be known as science. But philosophy is more about the way to think, or thinking about questions.

Big questions,

  • What's the world's like?
  • What's the nature of reality?
  • Is their a god?
  • Do I have a soul?
  • Metaphysics (study of nature of reality)
  • Epistemology (study of knowledge)
  • Value Theory
    • Ethics (nature of human conduct)
    • Aesthetics (nature of beauty)

3. God, Evil, Determinism, Free Will?


Thales of Miletus (c. 620 BCE - c 546 BCE)

  • first person to investigate the basic principles, the question on the originating substances of matter and thus the founder of natural philosophy
  • interested in mathematics, history, science, engineering, geography
  • freed phenomenon from godly interventions and paved the way towards scientific endeavour


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