Date: [2022-10-06 Thu]

Difference between Always and Probability 1

Table of Contents

In the comment section of this video:

Daniel Rui commented:

You used the words “never” and “always” synonymously with “probability 0” and “probability 1”, which I think gives less knowledgeable viewers the wrong impression. Other than that, fantastic presentation!

and in the following conversations columbus8myhw replied:

"Always" means every element of the sample space succeeds; "probability 1" means the measure of the set of succeeding elements equals the measure of the whole sample space.

Pick a real number uniformly from between 0 and 1. There is a probability 1 that it is irrational, but it's not always irrational as rationals exist.

English is not math.

1. Perception of Probability


Figure 1: Perceptions of Probability


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