Date: [2022-04-30 Sat]


Table of Contents

Zach Tellman - Always Be Composing: https://youtu.be/3oQTSP4FngY?t=192



Function (Programming) can be composed downstream. i.e. its composition can be deferes and invoked later.

But functions are:


1. Conclusion

Data > Functions > Macros

In terms of generality, but

Macros > Functions > Data

In terms of Execution

2. Regular Expression

May be most popular Domain Specific Language in computer science.

  • composable only through string concatenation
  • opaque (i.e. their inner mechanism is not exposed. though its simply finite state automaton)

Implementing a library that is composable would use

Data: [(? 1) (* 3) (+ 3)]

like this to represent regex. but then it is not execuatable. It is not compiled beforhand like a standard regex like

Macro: #"1?2*3+"

So, for small problems at hand macro regex are good. And where the problem is complex and composition helps an redirection with using data then compiling and executing would be benefitial. (e.g. like in HTTP routing)

3. Composable Tools

Tools I use that compose with each other to satisfy my workflows:

  • rclone
  • syncthing
  • org-mode and org-roam
  • gpg encryption in emacs
  • recoll
  • dash/zeal docset



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